Wednesday, March 25, 2015



The Creation to the formation of man was not complete because there was the last time. The latter is the creation of the Temple of God in time. God builds in time a place for every creature meet Him.

Time is the temple. Time is the physical space of encounter between God and man. The Sabbath is the actual time of God to man. To assign the universe Creation of God man has to enter the concrete space of time. No this time frame is incomplete Creation and its Author. The length of time created calls man to accept His condition created by God and Author of all.

In this physical place time demonstrate to God in worship to accept the fact that He is the Creator. The Sabbath is a space of creation echoing that God is the creator of all things. Out of the Sabbath there is no worship to the Creator of the Universe that is God.

Creation is composed of seven times. Time light - water Time - Green Time - Time stars - saving time - Man Time - Time of God. The sum of all these times form creation. Remove any one of these times deforms creation and its author.

Take the Time of God's creation. Remove the God of his own. Deletes God the origin of the universe! No point in fighting with evolutionists on the formation of the universe erase the Sabbath of Creation. Worship God on the Sabbath is to make all your source - the hands of God. Turn away from this FACT is to accept that God did not create the universe. It also turn your back to the Creator!

A boy once arranged a meeting with his girlfriend in the mall in your city. Okay that was by phone, but it was agreed that it would be the 20 hours of that Thursday on the second floor in front of the store 28. Until then fine! It turns out that for some reason she was on Wednesday and getting there ... waited and waited for almost an hour until he gave up and went back to home frustrated because not see her boyfriend. It marked a moment but she got it wrong, so left empty and frustrated of their encounter.
            God made an appointment for that time and when we for some reason, we advanced or we delay this meeting, even if everything is prepared, not find Him, for He never scored another day against me that was not the Sabbath. The same empty and frustrating experience suffered by one girlfriend, today many who go to church out of the Sabbath are suffering. To drown this existential emptiness replace by forms of worship where there is very human stimulus. When they come out of the "times of worship" look like they are in the clouds, but shortly after the empty returns. God was not there! Man has no way to change the temple that God has built in time. Or he enters this moment will live with God or an empty ... innocuous Christianity. I'm creationist because I accept the FACT to worship God in his temple that is SATURDAY. And everything is a matter of faith! "... For the just shall live by faith." (Hab 2: 4)

Thursday, February 26, 2015


I reached the end of this book with a question impossible to solve - accession. This is a term we use in the office to see how patients make use of their regular medication. Most of them worsen their chronic diseases because they can not make regular use in the treatment adopted for each. They can not, for example, increase the use of water or reduce the consumption of salt in their diets. Easy approach to treatment is not progressing in a positive way because membership is low. Much of the diseases that evolve evil is just ai - ACCESSION. If scientists figure out how to mobilize people to adhere to treatment and / or other things of life would have discovered the reason of existence for human healing. The tragedy of societies based on what we are stuck. Adherence makes use of some instruments - responsibility - desire to do - perseverance - involvement - and the action itself. The deepest mediators such as: love - Brotherhood - charity - increase assertiveness levels placing the results in levels considered satisfactory. The question is how to keep us focused on a single point of attention. Ever heard of it?
Then there is another problem, ATTENTION. Keeping ADHERED a focus ATTENTION does this situation increase the levels of complexity. The plurality of our behavior requires elements that distract our concentration favor the loss of attention and adherence. This is the heart of relations in Eden! The fishery does good paradigm to understand this process that must be well studied or understood. God let me decide, but your enemy favored by devices that I was hooked. They both needed to have these two elements to have my control - ATTENTION AND ACCESSION. Time passed and is almost running out, but the parameters remain the same - ATTENTION AND ACCESSION. Here is the "click" paradigm of the human situation.
People who do not like routine will have greater difficulties. People who do not rotinizam their lives will be at the mercy of chance. As Albert Einstein said "God does not play with dice!" The essence of the relationship with Him designs in a dynamic routine. Everything in nature has the beginning of the routine. Just look around! Day, year, time, heart, lung, ant, rain, water cycle, life is a continuous routines. A vinyl disc must pass the needle always on the same track in order to play the music perfectly. My computer has data recorded on tracks; the basis to extract this information is that the tracks are there intact. The issue is that people feel claustrophobic before the routine. Eager to get out of that rut begin to skip tracks and there emerges a sense of harmless pleasure. A good example is the Coca-Cola - sugar = energy; Caffeine = pleasure; gas = gastric satisfaction; all together generates obesity because it is an empty food without nutrients.
Satan plants in Eva pleasure without evidence; "... In the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as God ..." The unknown, so the innocuous becomes to be desired because it handles and the ATTENTION MEMBERSHIP. In this paradigm frenzy meaningless, but the proposal to be more than you really are seeing is launched to decide. This unexplained timing for the human senses is the basis for the man enter the sin syndrome. People begin to develop behaviors as strangers to the Divine perspective that she gets to the point of disgusting than had created: "And God saw that it was great the wickedness of man on earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was evil continually. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. " Genesis 6: 5-6 is a lot of disappointment on the human potential to do what is evil! In this ball unprecedented behavioral events where God did not have a clue what it meant man swept by their instincts, does not support the result. The history of sin has educational value! Death is the complexity of the resource to be used by God.
Jesus is the deity of the resource to establish this new paradigm - ATTENTION AND ACCESSION. "And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: so that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life. "John. 3: 14-15 We need to understand that it is only looking significantly to future achievement be absorbed by the content. It might seem schizoid, but God needs all your concentration. A good example is the religion that most fans achievement today. The strong ritual from a simple positioning in prayer, until the devotion on the name or image of your form, has a transfundo of respect for religious symbols. They put all their essence the provision of that moment of meditation. By far I can even understand how extravagant passionateness acts, but in his devotional essence is concentrated there in the act. You may notice that there are many nuances pipeline. There is a hegemony in religiosity. This we see them as something so far is proof of the relevance of their belief takes precedence over their destinies. Explode is the final step to be in paradise. Somewhat absurd all this, but it serves to understand how some cultures wreath with their beliefs. "Love with all your heart ..." they understand the meaning of these words, suddenly, to many it is only criticizes them for importance given to what really believe.
The "polis" - polytheism - polygamy - and outas, has pushed us to the banks of the intrinsic indecision consumerism. This extrategia has managed to make the "Alice (s) and Celia (s)" roam unnoticed by the paradise that the focus is not they, but what is outside them - the snake. The instruments proposed by God was that the man looked out of yourself - work in Eden - the seventh day - your daily activities - be head - be suitable helper - all this made them to look out of themselves in order to form an image of the outside world, beings and things. Instead, Sattanas, proposes you to look within yourself - "... and you will be like God ...". This proposed innocuous self did she break the connections of evidence to enter a virtual world - psychic reality. To generate this new maeira of perceiving things he needed the break from the reality of God. Eat of the fruit was the "ribbon cutting", like we see in the openings! Eva opened space to build a cognitividade based on the "legos" virtual Satan.
How many have seen these huge cranes in the buildings to transport all materials to raise the building. The enemy of God planted a huge object with the possibility of doing things outside the realm of God. Eve into believing that their cognitive construction was over Adam. She could get to be equal to their Creator! On the one hand the reality of God, where the party was the Spirit of God (Genesis 6: 3.), And the other, the one in which she could imitate (Gen. 3: 1.). The greatest proof that man could build for yourself its reality is the Tower of Babel. Were his convictions above the truth of God and all! We did not change anything after millennia!
Our beliefs about any reality follow the same path observed by the Bible:
- You can be like God
- I make the lives of people (Cain)
- I make my life the way I want it (sinfulness antediluvian)
- I do not know and mock those who do the will of God (antediluvian attitude)
- Life is "boring" (Noah's drunkenness)
- "I am what I am" (Sodom and Gomorrah, conflict with their sexual identity)
Here are the strategies of Satan to the human race. These are the different components and work areas in which we are faced today. The different hooks each of which is grasped because of the construction of psychic reality format. Watching TV with an analytical look gives us the dimension of how the package of human destruction spreads and spreads like the plague. When we lose total control over ourselves; when our need to kill beyond the end of rationality; when nothing satisfies us in anything; when it lost the meaning of existence, then God will intervene in a "micro and macro" as the days of Sodom / Gomorrah and the Flood.

 For each act of construction of human psychic reality there was a trigger results.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Faith in the Union

Faith in the Union
When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, Son, be of good cheer, you are forgiven your sins. Matthew 9: 2 What others believe can be attributed to me, the efforts of those men in favor of his friend. Faith is not unilateral, others shall and may be involved in my dramas. The joint effort of those men was the channel through which faith walked.

  The faith of those men gave the possibility that his friend was healed. These men liked and identified with the paralytic, and they took him to get him to Jesus. We can say that faith is manifested in the set of attitudes of a group of men of faith. Take the bed was their effort of faith. Faith that time was an action effort. The reverse can also happen ... if your "friends" do not believe you will do nothing for you, then, faith is not manifest. Whatever the reason God needs people with faith in each other in order to manifest his power. Love was the binder of those men and faith up that bed.

"By multiplying the sin the love of many shall wax cold" ... the disintegrating element of societies is envy. A society frustrated with the individualistic efforts falls in the repetition of petty acts, that is envy. Matthew 9: 3-5 And, behold, certain of the scribes said within themselves, blasphemies. But Jesus, knowing their thoughts said, Wherefore think ye evil in your hearts? For what is easier? Say, are forgiven your sins; or to say, Arise, and walk?

If we look at the emotional transfundo those other men, we see people harboring evil thoughts. Evil thoughts (petty, selfish, individualistic) prevent you cheer on the other.

As depended on scribes that man would never be cured, because they were mean. Faith today does not achieve greater victories because small men are undermining the power of faith. On the one hand men were cheering for healing that paralytic the other had the counter class. These did not win! I believe we should take great care of our attitude towards the effort of some to further the faith. When she bump a critical attitude and harmful ... opens the eye that you are on the side of the petty and those never offer their hands in favor of others. Idle hands, but with sharp tongues!

The real lie

The real lie

Sincerity ... to tell the truth I have to lie ... because that is true! The truth of all truths is that dynamic need for disguise, hide, mask the existential void through a self fiction engendered in order to say that still exist! How could I resist the fact that I am a pale and imperfect shadow of dreams and ideas? So this compulsion to say that I am what I am really not ... Deep down for some this may be convinced, but the fact is that truths are transformed to satisfy something that would be for something I'm not ... nothing! ... but how compulsive the fact that I do not see and do not admit ... I !!!!

The arrogance of silence

The arrogance of silence

Sometimes I hear people saying it's better to be silent than talk nonsense. Silence is golden. The silence makes intelligent fool. It is these and many other phrases that actually reveal another tragedy of personal communication, arrogance. Behind this there is a silence be saying it's better than the other because not spoken or expressed such barbarity. This is the arrogance of silence ... I'm better than him because I do not speak so much nonsense! Perhaps the individual can be a loudmouth, but he has the sincerity and sensitivity to expose who he is and not hide his arrogance behind the silence.

In Eden, after sin, God spoke .... He sought the man to talk to him. In human arrogance could say: why it came to know of the condition of the two? God is not silent! On the death of Abel asked his brother Cain, where is your brother? In the arrogance of silence he says, and I have to do with him?

In conversation with Abram says he will be the father of many nations, but in human arrogance sarai says in the silence of your heart that this is not possible in the years that both have. The silence is arrogant because as much as it does not say anything in the background someone has a better conclusion than the other. It is much arrogance !!

God could be silent when your child was baptized, but he chose to praise him saying how I delight in that child! Could have stayed silent, as many parents do when their children are in trouble but it besides listen sent friends to help him. There was silence on the part of God in the words and attitudes!

The only god of silence was to the death. Not bear to see his son in the agony of death, but the nature expressed the "pain" of God through lightning, thunder and earthquake ... It was God showing his grief!

God says, "Come, let us reflect together!" is. 1:18 his proposal is that even if you speak foolish things come and show their reasons. Put your logic and let us see if you're right. Come to expose yourself and do not be arrogant in silence saying it in the background that you are better than me. Speak! Communicate! Expose yourself! Skip the arrogance of silence. God seeks at all times to communicate with everyone no matter in the rhetoric of the speech. God wants his children to have the sensitivity to listen with humility the folly of my neighbor. It is difficult, but Paulo says: we who are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves. Romans 15: 1

When we speak and express open the recesses of the heart to put ourselves in society and analysis of critical situation. Expose yourself absurd as it is leads the individual to be heard and this, leads to a reflection of their ideas and concepts. Silence can reveal this cruel conviction of arrogance.

"though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow;. although they are red like crimson, as wool will become Isaiah 1:18

  The transformation that often require and want is the direct result of exposure!

Criticizes the Nicodemos

Criticizes the Nicodemos

Nicodemus presents to Jesus as someone who reperenta a group of important people. I could understand this criticism in two ways: actually I am part of a group of important people or hide myself under a curtain of important people not to reveal my deepest feelings.

In my opinion both can be real and jesus take any of the alternatives to help Nicodemus out of this crossroads. The question is that to get out of this vicious circle and reinvent a virtuous circle he urgently needs an open mind. To get it you need to enter into a state of self-criticism, self-reflection in order that their self-image is corrected through the Christ of parameters and not the "crowd" which he claims to be representative.

The phrase of Jesus for this pretentious (pretension is a psychic hideout of a low self-esteem) honorable elite man was, in truth, I say to you man be born again, he can not see the kingdom of God. John 3: 3
The purpose of Jesus was that Nicodemus see the kingdom of God, but this would only be possible through the new birth. Both nicodemos as for us today "new birth" is symbolic of a new being in Christ Jesus as a Christian axiom, but Jesus wanted to open a better comprehension which means this new state of Christian life. To see what he wanted to show needed to be born again.

To be born again nicodemos see.
  Nicodemus possessed in reality a conflict of transfundo generations in their search for evidence in jesus. A man who could not find flavor in the concepts of life of previous generations, but had not had the oportudinade to see a new reality for their search for meaning in life. The proposal of Jesus is dying to see! Accept? To die need to see what has to be dead. It's like a surgery ... not out removing the cancer without delimiting it through studies. Nicodemus needed to see that their sense of dissatisfaction was a reflection of an empty religion that over time and that their parents gave them. Was cashes with continuity without sigficado. The proposed jesus was to get this man opened the possibility of criticizing yourself from jesus vision.

   the master wanted this man entered a self-reflection process. Wanted his self-criticism was creation factor of personality, individuality, separation of realities, ownership of your life and end of his re-elabolaração of life. The criticism is not the continuity. Do not criticize yourself is to keep the bankrupt bases and corroded of being. To loosen up the continuity I need to see me ... From the space of self-reflection. Criticism generates self-invention.

  expressions as vocêc is very critical ... Rejoice pq who says this is hiding this meaning: I am not able to re-invertarme. Be quiet 'cause I am powerless to it! A posture without reflection is likely to be seen fused and confused on the banks of the dynamic realities and be a frustrated castaway of continuity.

  Christianity root and not the Contemporary predicts this collapse to enter the second stage of Jesus, "in truth, I say to you man be born of water and the Spirit, he can not enter the kingdom of God" John 3.: 5

In enocntro with Nicodemus Jesus opens the significasos and continues in further discussions, but to enter this kingdom must be born of water and spirit. What kind of water wanted to be saying? He answers in a next meeting!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Love is like giving

Love is like giving

Love is giving

Peter says - not gold or silver, but what I have I give you - get up and walk.
I am often questioned on the street by people asking for a quick solution to your problem - money - or perhaps to a worse situation - your hunger, disease - and I know many have even bigger problems - lack of which have to live, sleep - I'm embarrassed not to have often resources to solve many social gaps.

Peter breaks the barrier of money offering something much bigger than a single currency. Maybe she would address the beggar problem for a few hours, but he would soon return asking for.

He says he does not have what the man was asking, but was willing to give. Peter had a willingness to give. Peter liked to give.

Love is like to take.

Simple ask? Not too complicated. Why give hurts and for some people the conviction pain 'and even higher. `give and desperately painful because in your mind to have a sense of loss. Give this means leaving something and this something, do not own more. So give cause intense psychic pain! Dar has a mutilatório ingredient. Not having what went makes you feel mutilated. Someone in this condition really is sick! The name of this condition or `selfishness and pathology.

Do not give what you have, much less what does not. Not of a smile ... a good day ... a nod ... kiss ... hug ... caring ... the compulsion to have 'is so strong that human outlines disappear. Tears the simplest ways to express existence. Dar has a mutilating character so I can not look out without being afraid of giving.

All this is based the unreal character of things. And everything can be very dangerous in delirium condition hallucination. Why deliramos while on the meaning of giving is because we distort our existential reality, but when we cross the destructive behavior can be hallucinatory character. When we come to steal what we do not have the urge to get at all costs we have not crossed the line of insanity.

I believe that the society in which we operate crossed that line, and many of the problems we experience is just because we are dealing with insane people. The social inequality, cruelty in health services, violence at all levels is part of a company that created the reality imagined having. The "have" become an end in itself. The increment with exhibitionism, vanity, vanity, caprice, luxury, extravagance, waste all shaken with arrogância- this package increases all other situations. The worst of all is violence that is generated by those who "have" and will win at all costs the same pleasures of having. Ai one wonders but there is an obsession / compulsion behind it all! A crest society that mimics the secular there is no room for love. It is that time reflect / think about what society we want to be part of.

Want to go back to Peter ...

The experience it this time 'and absolute reflection of jesus character. It is the essence of God! For God so loved the world that He gave ... To give I need to look out for myself. I need to understand the external realities of people and things. See what they are needing makes composing my action plan is to give. The opportunities to give will be bumping our door every moment, from the simplest to the most complex and we should be prepared to give.

Love is like giving

We understand the love God for the conduct that it has to give. Suffocate the god of love in us when we leave the conduct of giving. Sponsorship of our behavior is the recognition of what God does in me. The same attention to realize that God holds me will be that I look outside - my equal.

It would be rhetorical ask God what should I do to love. The life of Jesus is the last trump card that God does for humans to understand how God loves. The life of Jesus is the paradigm of condutual like to love. The compass - north - the map - for love 'and undoubtedly the bible in jesus voice.

The question is how to translate a mountain of letters through stories in assertive behavior. A behavior that expresses the ideals of God in Jesus. In the end I be like Jesus? Here we arrive at the decisive point. "fe"

Fe is not a feeling 'and a person - jesus person.

The bad theology keeps people in a state of natural convenience. Good theology destroys faith in the concepts that the world believes and builds citizens to heaven.