Wednesday, March 25, 2015



The Creation to the formation of man was not complete because there was the last time. The latter is the creation of the Temple of God in time. God builds in time a place for every creature meet Him.

Time is the temple. Time is the physical space of encounter between God and man. The Sabbath is the actual time of God to man. To assign the universe Creation of God man has to enter the concrete space of time. No this time frame is incomplete Creation and its Author. The length of time created calls man to accept His condition created by God and Author of all.

In this physical place time demonstrate to God in worship to accept the fact that He is the Creator. The Sabbath is a space of creation echoing that God is the creator of all things. Out of the Sabbath there is no worship to the Creator of the Universe that is God.

Creation is composed of seven times. Time light - water Time - Green Time - Time stars - saving time - Man Time - Time of God. The sum of all these times form creation. Remove any one of these times deforms creation and its author.

Take the Time of God's creation. Remove the God of his own. Deletes God the origin of the universe! No point in fighting with evolutionists on the formation of the universe erase the Sabbath of Creation. Worship God on the Sabbath is to make all your source - the hands of God. Turn away from this FACT is to accept that God did not create the universe. It also turn your back to the Creator!

A boy once arranged a meeting with his girlfriend in the mall in your city. Okay that was by phone, but it was agreed that it would be the 20 hours of that Thursday on the second floor in front of the store 28. Until then fine! It turns out that for some reason she was on Wednesday and getting there ... waited and waited for almost an hour until he gave up and went back to home frustrated because not see her boyfriend. It marked a moment but she got it wrong, so left empty and frustrated of their encounter.
            God made an appointment for that time and when we for some reason, we advanced or we delay this meeting, even if everything is prepared, not find Him, for He never scored another day against me that was not the Sabbath. The same empty and frustrating experience suffered by one girlfriend, today many who go to church out of the Sabbath are suffering. To drown this existential emptiness replace by forms of worship where there is very human stimulus. When they come out of the "times of worship" look like they are in the clouds, but shortly after the empty returns. God was not there! Man has no way to change the temple that God has built in time. Or he enters this moment will live with God or an empty ... innocuous Christianity. I'm creationist because I accept the FACT to worship God in his temple that is SATURDAY. And everything is a matter of faith! "... For the just shall live by faith." (Hab 2: 4)

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