Monday, January 26, 2015

Faith in the Union

Faith in the Union
When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, Son, be of good cheer, you are forgiven your sins. Matthew 9: 2 What others believe can be attributed to me, the efforts of those men in favor of his friend. Faith is not unilateral, others shall and may be involved in my dramas. The joint effort of those men was the channel through which faith walked.

  The faith of those men gave the possibility that his friend was healed. These men liked and identified with the paralytic, and they took him to get him to Jesus. We can say that faith is manifested in the set of attitudes of a group of men of faith. Take the bed was their effort of faith. Faith that time was an action effort. The reverse can also happen ... if your "friends" do not believe you will do nothing for you, then, faith is not manifest. Whatever the reason God needs people with faith in each other in order to manifest his power. Love was the binder of those men and faith up that bed.

"By multiplying the sin the love of many shall wax cold" ... the disintegrating element of societies is envy. A society frustrated with the individualistic efforts falls in the repetition of petty acts, that is envy. Matthew 9: 3-5 And, behold, certain of the scribes said within themselves, blasphemies. But Jesus, knowing their thoughts said, Wherefore think ye evil in your hearts? For what is easier? Say, are forgiven your sins; or to say, Arise, and walk?

If we look at the emotional transfundo those other men, we see people harboring evil thoughts. Evil thoughts (petty, selfish, individualistic) prevent you cheer on the other.

As depended on scribes that man would never be cured, because they were mean. Faith today does not achieve greater victories because small men are undermining the power of faith. On the one hand men were cheering for healing that paralytic the other had the counter class. These did not win! I believe we should take great care of our attitude towards the effort of some to further the faith. When she bump a critical attitude and harmful ... opens the eye that you are on the side of the petty and those never offer their hands in favor of others. Idle hands, but with sharp tongues!

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