Monday, January 26, 2015

The arrogance of silence

The arrogance of silence

Sometimes I hear people saying it's better to be silent than talk nonsense. Silence is golden. The silence makes intelligent fool. It is these and many other phrases that actually reveal another tragedy of personal communication, arrogance. Behind this there is a silence be saying it's better than the other because not spoken or expressed such barbarity. This is the arrogance of silence ... I'm better than him because I do not speak so much nonsense! Perhaps the individual can be a loudmouth, but he has the sincerity and sensitivity to expose who he is and not hide his arrogance behind the silence.

In Eden, after sin, God spoke .... He sought the man to talk to him. In human arrogance could say: why it came to know of the condition of the two? God is not silent! On the death of Abel asked his brother Cain, where is your brother? In the arrogance of silence he says, and I have to do with him?

In conversation with Abram says he will be the father of many nations, but in human arrogance sarai says in the silence of your heart that this is not possible in the years that both have. The silence is arrogant because as much as it does not say anything in the background someone has a better conclusion than the other. It is much arrogance !!

God could be silent when your child was baptized, but he chose to praise him saying how I delight in that child! Could have stayed silent, as many parents do when their children are in trouble but it besides listen sent friends to help him. There was silence on the part of God in the words and attitudes!

The only god of silence was to the death. Not bear to see his son in the agony of death, but the nature expressed the "pain" of God through lightning, thunder and earthquake ... It was God showing his grief!

God says, "Come, let us reflect together!" is. 1:18 his proposal is that even if you speak foolish things come and show their reasons. Put your logic and let us see if you're right. Come to expose yourself and do not be arrogant in silence saying it in the background that you are better than me. Speak! Communicate! Expose yourself! Skip the arrogance of silence. God seeks at all times to communicate with everyone no matter in the rhetoric of the speech. God wants his children to have the sensitivity to listen with humility the folly of my neighbor. It is difficult, but Paulo says: we who are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves. Romans 15: 1

When we speak and express open the recesses of the heart to put ourselves in society and analysis of critical situation. Expose yourself absurd as it is leads the individual to be heard and this, leads to a reflection of their ideas and concepts. Silence can reveal this cruel conviction of arrogance.

"though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow;. although they are red like crimson, as wool will become Isaiah 1:18

  The transformation that often require and want is the direct result of exposure!

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